Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is Future of Remote Work

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is Future of Remote Work

If you look back into history, there is a singular discovery at certain intervals that have affected human evolution and acted as a catalyst for growth.

In ancient times, it was the fire. And in the 19th century, it was the computer. Since being invented in the 19th century, the computer has earned its place of being the most widely-used technological tool of the 21st century.

From the education sector to the medical field, the technology of the computer has brought incredible innovation and benefited countless. Just as with fire, the computer changed our world forever.

The computer’s functionality has dramatically changed over time – from doing simple mathematical calculations to handling complex operations. Not only this, its form has undergone drastic changes as well. From oversized circuit modules to sleek desktops, computers of today are a perfect example of modern advancements.

Our recent times have again forced the computer to change its form and adapt to a new working norm. It has gone from the needed physical availability to getting accessible remotely via an internet connection.

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) is the Future of Remote Work

Yes, you heard it right – we are talking about VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). VDI is a technology that enables the creation of virtual desktops on the cloud platform.

VDI can be deployed on the office premises. However, it leads to additional IT hassles and costs to the business. Hence, a better solution is to opt for Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS).

Introduced back in 2015, DaaS, or “Desktop as a Service” is a virtual desktop service, wherein the service providers deliver applications and virtual desktops remotely over an internet connection. It is the perfect solution for setting up your remote workplace, something which has been steadily becoming popular since the recent coronavirus outbreak.

Let’s have a look at why DaaS is the future of remote work:

Round-The-Clock Accessibility

Nowadays, most companies still rely on traditional computer systems, which may fulfill the basic organizational duties, but fail when needed remotely. They are simply a ‘plug and work’ model, which requires their physical presence for being used. And even if you provide portable devices such as laptops, they carry a high risk of getting lost or stolen.

How to deal with the problem of enhanced remote work?

To empower your workplace with remote working capabilities, it is essential to enhance your organization’s technical reachability, and yet retain the custom functionality. And this is something that can be easily done by using DaaS.

Desktop as a Solution (DaaS) is a solution that enables your employees to access the virtual desktops remotely via an internet connection.

From using your favorite applications to accessing the files stored in the cloud, you can do everything you wish to.

It is just like accessing your office systems, and the only difference is that you do it over an internet connection. All you need is authorized access and good internet connectivity.

Instead of carrying all those bulky laptops or waiting to get one from your office, your employees can take out their iPad and start working from anywhere, anytime. Simply superb.

Fewer IT Hassles

An organization has to spend a lot of time overcoming technical hurdles while working remotely. Employees find it difficult to contact the IT team to get their problems solved. This also means that minor issues will also take much more time to get fixed.

Add software updates and timely license renewal, and you can see an enterprise getting buried under an enormous IT workload.

All these excess technical duties can slow down your organizational efficiency and impede your remote working plans.

However, when you go for DaaS, you can easily forego these numerous hassles and smoothly transit into your new working regime. In the case of DaaS, it is the service provider who is responsible for handling all the technical workload.

Replacing faulty hardware to software bugs, everything falls under the sphere of DaaS services.

They also conduct regular service audits and ensure your employees are using the latest software package. And even if you experience any occasional lag, they are always available round the clock to fix it and get you going back on track.

Superior Data Security

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, most US firms have been steadily modifying their working environment for the new ‘work from home’ protocol. They formulated new corporate data policies and incorporated the latest technological innovations to adjust to the new normal.

But with only 5% of company folders being adequately protected and 4000 cyber-attacks occurring per day, data security is still a constant point of worry for significant firms. And since remote working means most employees work over the internet, negligence and inadequate data security measures can easily make a company resources a sitting duck for hackers.

DaaS’s superior security measures come into play.

When you are using hosted virtual desktop service from a DaaS provider, they make sure you have a safe working experience.

Since their service is entirely cloud-based, they employ various premium security measures for its protection. Their desktop interfaces are laced with the latest anti-hacking tools and regularly updated to protect your critical data against any illicit access.

For protecting their data servers, they have modern IDPS systems and have qualified experts for timely antivirus scans.

On-Call Scalability

In recent times, the usage of remote services and working from home has increasingly gained public favor. This has greatly enhanced the business growth of those firms that have successfully provided the required services.

However, increased business growth means more resource requirements, impeding a firm’s development if it has limited scalability. It can also cause a firm to lose their credibility if they cannot keep up with growing consumer demands and fail to deliver within the promised deadlines.

When you are using DaaS, you can stop worrying about the increasing resource demand and work in a pressure-free environment.

Employing a DaaS provider enables you to get scalability on call.

Instead of waiting and planning, you can simply get in touch with your DaaS provider and ramp up your resources. They provide ready-to-use desktop solutions with the required software package.

You don’t have to forage around for the required specifications and then spend time installing the latest software. All you have to do is intimate your DaaS provider about your needs, and they will deploy your virtual desktop.

Better Cost-Effectiveness

Another hurdle every firm endeavoring to work remotely is the cost-effectiveness of their operations. Working remotely means providing the required applications and laptops for your employees.

Since most of the companies have traditional desktops, procuring the necessary amount of portable devices like laptops means spending a huge portion of their capital, which every firm will avoid. Using DaaS enables you to keep things cost-effective and yet to grow your company’s profits.

As DaaS deploys desktops over the cloud, your employees can use their personal laptops, i-pads, and phones to access the official data and work remotely.

Using all types of devices will encourage the employees to use their own devices, saving companies the cost of providing company-owned laptops. Also, they do not need to worry about data security as your DaaS provider will take care of everything.

DaaS offers a pay-per-use model, allowing you to quickly scale down or up whenever you need it without wasting your financial resources. You don’t have to set up your IT infrastructure and employ a team of IT professionals for its maintenance.

A DaaS provider has its team of IT experts who are well trained and experienced. They are responsible for every technical glitch (like a sudden disk failure) and fix it without any additional costs.

As they cater to different client requirements from multiple industries, their systems comply with all the latest security regulations, eliminating your need to invest for one.

Increased Business Outreach

Do you know what the greatest advantage of working remotely is? No geographical limitations. Working remotely has enabled various firms to widen their business outreach greatly.

With DaaS, employers can easily provide their services to a larger client base and also recruit employees remotely. They can hire employees from a geographical location to assist the clients in that area.

Hiring from the needed geographical location saves them the hassle of working in different shifts (according to their clients’ time zone) or setting up a new office in that geography. And since working remotely means no office space requirements, it has made their operations cost-effective as well.

Investing in DaaS saves your firm from all these hassles and improves your business outreach. Instead of physically providing a desktop to your employees, you can first specify your organizational needs to your DaaS provider for procuring the necessary software specifications.

All you have to do is provide valid authorization credentials to your employees, and they can easily access their office desktops over the Internet. Everything is managed on the cloud by your services provider.

You can avoid shipping the necessary desktop or setting up an agency for facilitating the local business – allowing you to manage everything remotely and efficiently.

Improved Productivity

With 77% increase in productivity, enhanced productivity has been another reason many firms embrace remote work setup.

And since COVID-19, coupled with the ensuing lockdown restrictions forced multiple firms to either temporarily halt their operations. Many had to go remote to keep themselves running. It’s expected that the future will see more and more people getting remotely employed.

Various factors, such as unhealthy eating habits, improper work-life balance, and a flawed exercising regime, can drastically affect your employees’ performance.  Unsound health habits decrease an overall work output.

They may also have to face technical problems like an unprecedented disk failure or a sudden breakdown of their office systems may occur that could impact their productivity while working from home.

Employing DaaS enables you to secure guaranteed data availability for your employees so that they are not obstructed while working.

Most of the DaaS providers ensure the SLA-backed uptime guarantee of their services. They ensure that your system is always online and working in prime condition.

If you have to go offline you want to have available help 24/7/365 for assistance.

24-hour help allows your employees to focus on their work and enhance their productivity. They don’t have to venture out to fix a broken hard drive or wait for the latest update. Everything is automatically managed by your service provider, with minimal obstruction in your employee’s working life.

Decreased Tech-Load

Although running a business remotely has allowed firms to offset various operational costs like procurement of office stationery, maintenance of the workplace, and other office-related costs, working remotely has its share of costs. You have to ensure device availability for your employees, provide necessary software licenses, and provide remote IT support.

When you have a new set of employees joining your organization, the cycle repeats all over again. Your organization still has to face a considerable tech-load even if you maintain an in-house server, as you need to hire experienced professionals, and they need to work round the clock for its functioning.

Opting for DaaS frees your organization from the constraints of excess tech-load and smoothens your remote mobility.

You don’t need to maintain an in-house server as all the requirements can be fulfilled if you employ a DaaS provider.

With the rising popularity of the BYOD or ‘Bring Your Own Device’ policy, your employees will feel more comfortable using their device to access your virtual desktop.

Since your desktop is deployed on the cloud and everything is managed via the internet, you do not need to provide your device or wait for its retrieval when an employee leaves your organization.


There is only one word that can accurately define DaaS, and that is – amazing.

When DaaS was first rolled out in 2015, no one knew it would dramatically impact multiple industries around the world. Now, just over five years later — it is one of the widely sought digital solutions for firms looking to work remotely.

Round-the-clock accessibility, premium data security, flexible scalability, economical pricing, and robust tech support — these are various features that a firm enjoys when they opt for reliable DaaS services.

It is the complete remote solution package with limitless potential for the firms looking to establish their remote work empire. So, whenever you need a perfect desktop solution for acing this ‘remote’ game, make sure you remember the DaaS.


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